#VTVR Home - The Dark Tower - Hubbard Park, Montpelier, Vermong 360 Video VR

#VTVR Home - 

The Dark Tower 360 Video for VR - 

Hubbard Park, Montpelier, Vermong

Roland continued, "...and how enthusiastic would you say he was about visiting his friend in Vermong?"  "Mont," Eddie said, unable to suppress a smile.  Roland shrugged as if to say he didn't care if Cullum had spoken of going to Vermont or Barony o' Garlan.
Eddie said, "Seems like we might have a little more palavering to do, after all."   "Ayuh, and it seems I must have known it," Cullum said, "although it was never right up on the top of my mind; up there I kep' thinkin' 'I'll be gettin on the road to Montpelier soon.' and still I kep' findin one more thing and one more thing to do around here."

#VTVR Home - The Dark Tower 360 Video VR

#VTVR Vermong Virtual Reality & Spatial Sound

#1. Make sure you turn YOUTUBE quality all of the way up!
Old Fashioned Computers:
Move your cursor over the screen to look around in 360 or use the circular controller on the upper right hand side of your screen.
Smart Phone:
Open on YOUTUBE APP to move around your body in 360 like a Star Chart App...
Use Google Cardboard, Gear VR, Daydream, or Oculus for #VTVR Home Immersive experience...
Open on ALTVR APP for Virtual 360 Movie Theater in which you can host up to 10 friends.


When I went to film my car got trigged (dead battery) and wouldn't start. I ended up running through the rain through the forest down to the town. I found this sign on the way back. I guess if you climb this tree you'll find the path of the beam.   When I came back to the car, it started again with no problem.


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